This course is designed to equip participants with the essential skills needed to master Power Query, a powerful data transformation tool in Microsoft Excel and Power BI.

Participants will learn how to efficiently import, transform, and clean data from various sources, enabling them to streamline their data analysis process and make more informed decisions.

Prerequisites of This Course

Skills Covered in This Course

Training Options

1. Live Virtual Instructor-led Training (VILT)

2. On-site Corporate Training

Content of This Course

  • Introduction to Power Query
    • Overview of Power Query
    • Benefits and use cases
  • Importing Data
    • Importing data from various sources (Excel, CSV, text files, databases, web)
    • Connecting to online services (e.g., SharePoint, Salesforce)
  • Data Transformation and Cleaning
    • Filtering and sorting data
    • Removing duplicates
    • Renaming columns
    • Changing data types
    • Handling null values
  • Merging and Appending Queries
    • Combining data from multiple sources
    • Joining tables
    • Appending queries

  • Grouping and Aggregating Data
    •   Grouping data
    • Summarizing data with aggregations
  • Working with Parameters
    • Creating and using parameters
    • Parameterizing queries for dynamic analysis
  • Advanced Data Transformations
    • Pivot and unpivot data

    • Transposing tables

    • Custom column creation with M language

  • Error Handling and Troubleshooting
    •  Handling errors in Power Query
    • Troubleshooting common issues
  • Optimizing Query Performance
    • Improving query performance

    • Understanding query folding

  • Best Practices in Power Query
    • Tips for efficient data transformation

    • Documenting and organizing queries

Exam Certificate:

Participants who successfully complete the course and pass the final exam will receive a certificate of completion in Power Query Mastery, demonstrating their proficiency in using Power Query for data transformation and analysis.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, this course is designed for participants with basic knowledge of Excel or Power BI. We cover fundamental concepts before diving into advanced topics.

Participants will need access to Microsoft Excel 2010 or later, or Power BI Desktop, which is available as a free download from the Microsoft website.

The course is self-paced, but we recommend allocating approximately 20-30 hours to complete all modules and exercises.

Yes, please refer to our refund policy outlined in the course enrollment terms and conditions.

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